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27 February 2024 09:00-16:00Rotundan, Universum

“Industry and academic collaboration is well-oiled in the US, and it’s not unusual for career paths to switch between academic and industry positions. This has enabled the translation of research to impact progress much more quickly than is often possible here. In the UK, we are starting to see a move towards this culture and feel the benefits, but I would like to see us all, on both sides, doing more to encourage it.”

Professor Chas Bountra, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Innovation at Oxford and Professor of Translational Medicine in the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine

WHAT can be said about industry and academic collaboration in Sweden and Umeå?
WHAT does Umeå University have to offer Life Science companies?
What type of KNOWLEDGE are companies looking for?
How can researchers BENEFIT from interactions with Industry?
Should there be more COLLABORATIONS academia-industry?
HOW can we set them up?

WELCOME to learn more about this on the 27th of February in Rotundan, Umeå University

Registration deadline: 20th of February. 

PDF: The full schedule and info. 



Coffee & Sandwich


OPENING - Collaboration for Innovation

9.20: Umeå Biotech Incubator: "Life Science City Umeå"
 Mikael Elofsson, Dean Faculty of Science and Technology, Umeå University
 Jessica Martinsson, CEO of Sweden Bio: "Swedish Life Science - Research & Innovation" 

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PITCHES - Life Science Research at Umeå University

• Presentation of Coalition Umeå for Life Science (CU4LS) based on six topics,  followed by PREDICT biobank and Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, R&D. 

 “Mechanisms and dynamics of host-microbe interaction”,
Sun Nyunt Wai, Professor at Dept. of Molecular Biology

“EpiCoN - Epigenetic Cooperation North focuses on research in epigenetics, chromatin structure and gene regulation applied to basic and clinically relevant problems.”, 
Jan Larsson, Professor at Dept. of Molecular Biology

’’BioStress Modeling at IceLab and how it can be applicable in life science”,
Kemal Avican, Research fellow at IceLab and Dept. of Molecular Biology

4) “Infrastructure at UmU”, 
Richard Lundmark, Chairman of the Medical Faculty's council for research infrastructure & member of the UmU central council for research infrastructure. Director of the platform Biochemical Imaging Centre Umeå (BICU). 

 “SciLifeLab Site Umeå”,
Sara Sandin, Staff scientist at Dept. of Chemistry.

6) “MicroED and structure determination for life science applications”,Johan Unge, Staff scientist at Dept. of Chemistry. 

7) "PREDICT biobank extensive phenotype data as a platform to identify genetic, metabolic, and proteomic biomarker panels. How can we make the best use of this asset?", Beatrice Melin, Director of Research Development and Innovation Region Västerbotten,

 "Improving technology for the future of health care"  
Per Hallberg, Associate professor at Dept. of Applied Physics and Electronics, Head of Dept. of Biomedical Engineering – R&D at University Hospital of Umeå.

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Pitch/Reversed-Pitch from the Industry

  • AstraZeneca
  • APL
  • SpinChem
  • Nordic Biomarker
  • Agrisera
  • UmanDiagnostics
  • Medicvent
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COLLABORATION: Academia + Industry - Cases & Panel debate

We highlight collaborations between academia and the industry — 10 minutes/case.  

1) Astra Zeneca – this is how we collaborate with Academia.

Speaker: Susanna Myhre.

2) Commissioned research: Lipum – KI.

Speaker: Einar Pontén.

3) SpinChem – Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships.

Speaker: Emil Byström

4) CAMP – A national competence centre for advanced therapy medicines (ATMPs)
incorporating University researchers, Hospitals, and Industry.
Speaker: Paul Kingham. 

5) Collaboration between Vakona and the Department of Chemistry at Umeå University
Speakers: Gabriella Persson & Magnus Wolf Watz. 

6) Industrial Doctoral School for Research and Innovation – Sartorius.
Speaker: Charlotta Sundin. 

7) Innovation Office UmU - How do you write a collaboration agreement with Umeå University?
Speaker: Johan Nordlund, IP & Innovation lawyer. 

8) PANEL DEBATE – possibilities and challenges.

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Coffee break

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Menti – Audience input


Wrap-up and next step

Conclusions of the day and a discussion on how to take the next step in collaborations between academia and the industry. 

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Build on your LinkedIn connections

Final mingle. Take the opportunity to extend your network and discuss future collaborations. 

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Thank you!

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Organizations contributing
to the program

Umeå University: Life science research in Umeå is versatile, interdisciplinary and of high scientific competence. The Coalition Umeå for Life Science (CU4LS) is highlighting the strengths and richness of Umeå Life Science research activities, spanning research areas from molecules to man, from microorganisms to ecosystems, from theoretical approaches to experimental sciences and into clinical research.

Astra Zeneca: A global, science-led, patient-focused pharmaceutical company. We are dedicated to transforming the future of healthcare by unlocking the power of what science can do for people, society and the planet.

Apoteket Produktion & Laboratorier (APL): One of Europe's leading companies in the development, analysis and manufacture of extemporaneous and bearing preparations, as well as an established contract manufacturer in the Life Science industry.

Lipum AB (publ): A biopharmaceutical company specializing in a novel way to treat chronic inflammatory diseases. The lead candidate drug (SOL-116) is a fully humanized antibody designed to give safer and more efficacious therapy by blocking a previously overlooked target molecule of the immune system.

Medicvent: The mission is to develop, manufacture and promote a comprehensive range of products for the evacuation of air pollution mainly within the hospital care environment.

Nordic Biomarker: A Swedish original manufacturer of advanced reagents, calibrators and controls for coagulation and clinical chemistry analyzers and offers products used for a wide range of routine and specialty tests. Our expertise covers all relevant technology areas, and we pride ourselves on being experts when it comes to both immunological, chromogenic as well as clotting assays.

SpinChem: The vision is to transform the world by providing the simplest, fastest, most stable and resource-efficient technical solutions, as a catalyst for the global process chemistry industry.  The unique Rotating Bed Reactors (RBR), deep scientific and industry knowledge are central for success.

UmanDiagnostics, a Quanterix Company: Committed to delivering fast and accurate diagnosis of neurological diseases. The company develops and markets valuable tools for early detection of disease. The company was founded in 2006 and has since then focused on diseases affecting the white matter such as Multiple Sclerosis and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

Vakona: Develops a new, antibiotic-free treatment for inflammatory acne – a natural bacterial enzyme that degrades the bacterial biofilm to open up blocked hair follicles. 

Non-stage participating companies/organisations

Brain Stimulation: At the forefront of precision diagnostics and individualised mixed reality solutions for stroke and neurological rehabilitation.

QureTech Bio: Addresses a significant unmet medical need by developing new antibacterial agents that target different infectious diseases including healthcare-associated infections and tuberculosis.

RSA Biomedical: A worldwide provider of special products and measurement systems in digital medical imaging.

Sweetree Technologies: A research and technology development company within the area of forest biotechnology. The goal is to develop and introduce innovative technologies and products to the global forestry market.

RISE and Umeå Kommun.  


Jennie Ekbeck

Honorary doctor Faculty of Science and Technology at Umeå University and former CEO of UBI. 

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Beatrice Melin, Prof., Director of R&D and Innovation Region Västerbotten
Einar Pontén
, former CEO LIPUM
Emil Byström
, CEO SpinChem
Erik Lindström, CEO Medicvent
Gabriella Persson
, CEO Vakona
Jan Larsson,
Professor at Dept. of Molecular Biology
Jessica Martinsson
, CEO of Sweden Bio
Johan Nordlund
, IP & Innovation lawyer, Innovation Office UmU
Johan Unge,
Staff scientist at Dept. of Chemistry
Kemal Avican
, Research fellow at IceLab and Dept. of Molecular Biology
Magnus Wolf-Watz
, Prof. Dept. of Chemistry, UmU
Malin Walfridsson
, R&D director Nordic Biomarker
Mikael Elofsson
, Dean Faculty of Science and Technology, Umeå University
Paul Kingham
, Assoc. Prof. at Dept. of Medical and Translational Biology, UmU
Per Hallberg
, Associate professor at Dept. of Applied Physics and Electronics, Head of Dept. of Biomedical Engineering – R&D at University Hospital of Umeå
Richard Lundmark,
Chairman of the Medical Faculty's council for research infrastructure & member of the UmU central council for research infrastructure. Director of the platform Biochemical Imaging Centre Umeå (BICU)
Sara Sandin,
Staff scientist at Dept. of Chemistry.
Susanna Myhre,
PhD, Head of Academic Collaborations, AstraZeneca
Sun Nyunt Wai,
Professor at Dept. of Molecular Biology
Tina Holmberg
, Manager APL

Important Info

Purpose of meeting: This meeting is about joining forces between researchers in Academia and the Life Science Industry to ignite more collaboration for innovative research and translation of this research into impact for better health.

Who can join? This event is directed to researchers within Life Sciences working at Umeå University and companies within Life Science connected to Umeå and Norrland. If you are not one of these categories and still believe you can contribute during this day – please reach out to Umeå Biotech Incubator and we can let you know if you can join.

Participation fee: This event is sponsored by Umeå Biotech Incubator (UBI) with support from the European Union. There is no actual fee for participating. For delegates from the industry, state-aid/de-minimis will be accounted for corresponding to 3000 SEK per person.

State aid & de-minimis: Umeå Biotech Incubator is obliged to account for activities they arrange, and support they provide, that are directed to specific companies or a group of companies where the receiving companies do not pay market price for the participation. The value of this support is accounted for as state-aid.
Small amounts of State aid (‘de minimis’ aid) are exempted from State aid control, as they are deemed to have no impact on competition and trade in the internal market of the European Union (EU). De minimis aid indeed refers to small amounts of State aid to undertakings (companies) that do not have to be notified to the European Commission by the EU Member States. The maximum amount is € 300,000 for each undertaking over 3 years. De minimis can be granted also to large companies that are not entitled to larger sums of state-aid under Article 22.
Read more on state-aid and de-minimis here:

GDPR: Photographs will be taken during the event. By signing up for the event you also agree to be seen on pictures from this event posted on LinkedIn, Facebook and Umeå Biotech Incubators website.

Registration deadline:
20th of February, 1:00 PM. 

CONTACT: For questions regarding this event, please contact Andreas Lindberg, andreas.lindberg@ubi.se, 076-669 73 19.

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